Date and Time
Tuesday Jul 15, 2025
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
$20.00 per person to attend in person with meal.
Walk-ins are $25 at the door if not preregistered.
Program Only is $10.00
*Last date to register for event without incurring a late registration fee is one week prior to event. This ensures you a meal.
*Last date for cancellations is one week prior to event, if you do not cancel you will be responsible for payment as a meal was ordered for you.
Contact Information
Monticello Chamber
(763) 295-2700
Send Email

What sets our chamber apart from others? Our members become FRIENDS! Meet new members of the business community and old friends face to face while you enjoy a delicious lunch. We have a different speaker and topic that pertains to business each month. Bring your staff or friends, chamber Lunch is open to all anyone.
Business Lunch Sponsor: logo on website, electronic banner ad, newsletter, display table at event, lead introductions with 2-3 minute presentation, logo on table tents on all tables and opportunity to place handout on each table for each guest. (Average luncheon 85 guests)